People have been receiving calls from+375602605281, +37127913091 or any number starting with a +375, or +371 number or even 081. One ring & and they hang up, leaving a missed call message. . If you call back it's one of those numbers that are charged $15-$30 & they can copy your contact list in 3 sec. If you have bank or credit card details on your phone, they can copy that too. +375 is from Belarus and .. 371 is code for Latvia ... Don't answer or call back. Please FORWARD AND SHARE this to your friends and family.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Monday, May 2, 2011
What will happen in 2011 May 21
Kochi: What will happen in May 21, 2011. The earth will destroy. There is a huge earth quake around the world. That day is the judgment day. So now onwards we can do only one thing ie beg for the mercy from God. This is not a funny message. This is the messages in sign boards which are appear in world wide. In kerala also has appeared this type of sign boards. One branch in Christianity are behind this. The same time the other group of Christianities are saying that, this is a nonessential news. 2011 may 21 is purposed to the end day of earth is according to some of the hinds from Bible. This board was appear before 10 months in foreign counties, but in Kerala it has appeared before some weak. These boards are appearing under the name of "FAMILY RADIO" California. The owners of this message says that they are doing their duty ie they are passing the information which they have gotten. They describe this as, May 21 is the day which completed the 7000 years after the huge universal flood in Noah's time. These people believe that after the huge universal flood the god give 7 days, actually that is 7000 years and this 7000 year will complete in may 21.
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